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Woodward’s Malerie Merry – Teacher of the Month Presented by Advanced Real Estate Advisors

Malerie Merry is a sixth grade science teacher at Woodward Middle School North Campus. Her becoming an educator was influenced by a number of teachers that she had throughout her life.

“Where do I start with teachers that impacted my life,” she thought. “It really started when I was in kindergarten with Mrs. Hoock to Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Whited, Coach Madore in Elementary school, throughout middle school Mrs. Harrison, Coach Jones and high school Coach Servis, Coach Harrison and there are so many more teachers and coaches that helped me throughout my schooling, but all of these teachers played a valid role in why I chose my profession and decided why I wanted to coach and teach. They believed in me and told me I could do it.”

Merry has been an educator at Woodward for ten years. While teaching can be stressful at times, she has a solid support system there for her. 

“I am single but I have a great family,” she said. “I am thankful for my parents Mike and Yulonda, sisters Maranda and Mitzi, and nieces Eveline and Jade.”

There have been many pieces of advice that have been given to Merry, but she has one that really sticks with her.

“If a student asks you to come to their choir or band concert or anything that they are a part of extracurricular activities then try your very hardest to be there to support them,” she stated. “You might be the only person there for them. So I try to be good at everything for my students.”

Though she enjoys teaching science to her students, there is another part of being a teacher Merry enjoys. 

“Helping students see the potential that we teachers see in them and seeing when a concept clicks and they finally understand what we are teaching.”

When she is not in the classroom, Malerie enjoys being at home with her family and being on the family farm helping with the cattle. She also enjoys hunting and fishing with her family.

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